Body Lower Back Reinforcement #2 Left Hand

About this product

The Body Lower Back Reinforcement #2 Left Hand (#58384-12200), a key part in the Floor Pan & Lower Back Panel system of your Toyota vehicle, plays a critical role in providing structural support. As the vehicle operates, this part helps maintain the rigidity of the vehicle's body, which is crucial to handling and safety. Genuine Toyota parts like this are designed specifically for compatibility with your vehicle, which can be beneficial for overall system performance. Over time, the Body Lower Back Reinforcement #2 Left Hand (#58384-12200) may sustain damage or wear, compromising its function. A faulty or old reinforcement can lead to decreased structural integrity, potentially affecting the vehicle's safety and handling. Periodic replacement with genuine Toyota parts, backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, is therefore recommended. In conclusion, the Body Lower Back Reinforcement #2 Left Hand (#58384-12200) is an integral component that ensures the efficiency and safety of its system, contributing significantly to your vehicle's overall performance.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 58384-12200

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