Hose Clamp

About this product

The Hose Clamp (#16581-77050), a crucial electrical part of the FCV Cooling System in a Toyota vehicle, secures the hose that regulates the coolant flow, maintaining the engine's optimal temperature. This small yet critical component ensures a leak-free connection between the hose and the fittings. Genuine Toyota parts, such as the Hose Clamp (#16581-77050), are designed for precise compatibility with your vehicle, offering peace of mind and protection under Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Periodic replacement is necessary as the Hose Clamp (#16581-77050) can wear, break, or lose tension over time, compromising the cooling system's function. A non-functional clamp can lead to coolant leaks, causing overheating and potential engine damage. By maintaining a secure connection in the cooling system, the Hose Clamp (#16581-77050) significantly contributes to the vehicle's performance and safety.