FC Cooling Water Pump Cable

About this product

The FC Cooling Water Pump Cable (#16A18-77010), an electrical part in the Fcv Stack & Converter system, plays a crucial role in maintaining the vehicle's temperature. This cable connects the water pump to the power source, ensuring the continuous circulation of coolant through the system. When functioning optimally, it aids in regulating the vehicle's temperature and prevents overheating. Like many other components, the FC Cooling Water Pump Cable (#16A18-77010) ages and can become less efficient or even non-functional. A damaged or worn-out cable may disrupt the cooling system, potentially resulting in engine overheating. Genuine Toyota Autoparts, such as this cable, not only ensure compatibility with your vehicle but are also backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In conclusion, the FC Cooling Water Pump Cable (#16A18-77010) contributes significantly to the overall effectiveness of your vehicle's cooling system, promoting better performance and longevity. Remember, a well-maintained cooling system runs more efficiently, ensuring your car's safety and reducing the risk of costly repairs.